Learning with Bijin
Six years after her own escape to Germany, Bjeen Alhassan founded the Facebook group “Lernen mit Bijin” (en: “Learning with Bijin”). During the COVID pandemic, many refugee women were unable to attend German language courses. Bjeen took on this challenge and developed a digital solution that enabled women to learn the German language. She utilized videos and posts to teach the participants German in Kurdish and Arabic. This not only provided them access to the language but also offered support in addressing their daily challenges.
Zanin Transfer
At Transfer of Knowledge (TOK), we work with our project Zarin Transfer in collaboration with our local partner to support women and girls in northeastern Syria. In Kurdish, Zarin means “knowledge,” which is what we aim to impart. Through Zarin Transfer, we create new perspectives in a conflict-affected region by teaching essential computer and soft skills, such as resume writing, developing job application techniques, and building self-confidence. These competencies enable women and girls to become independent and actively participate in shaping their future.
Our Sponsors
We would like to thank all our partners who are supporting our mission.